
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012

Apresentação aos encarregados de educação

A Junta de Freguesia de Carvide foi o local escolhido pelas professoras Lurdes Penela e Fernanda Dinis para apresentarem os resultados do projeto até à data e lançarem novos desafios aos pais e encarregados de educação dos alunos das escolas de Carvide e Outeiro da Fonte. 

Depois de um contacto mais direto com a realidade escolar europeia, os pais mostraram-se recetivos e desejosos de receber os professores dos outros países participantes, estando o quarto encontro agendado para fevereiro de 2013, em Portugal.

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

Impressões sobre o projeto - United Kingdom

Mark – United Kingdom

«My feelings about the Comenius project are that it is a very positive way to learn more about other cultures. This is important for the children at school but is just as important for the teachers involved. It is an excellent opportunity for teachers to take part in experiences they wouldn’t normally be able to get.

Mark Longmore
It is not the first project that I have been involved with. In 2000, I began a project but was not able to complete it as I was unable to attend meetings and no one else in my school wanted to. Since then I have wanted to try again but did not feel that other teachers would be very interested. My role in the English team is leading the project for us. At first I was the only person working on it but now we have a team of five people involved.

The difficulties I find in implementing the project are in trying to involve as many teachers and students as possible and trying to create interest and awareness of the benefits of taking part. Teachers in England feel under a great deal of pressure. Also, schools in England don’t attach the same importance to learning other languages so it can be more difficult for us to show that this is important. I think one of the things I have found difficult is involving the whole school community including parents. After returning from Hungary, I prepared a meeting for parents and invited everyone to come. Not many people did. I will need to try harder to make them more interested and enthusiastic.

We are looking forward to hosting the visit from our partners although we realise that there is a lot of pressure to make sure the meeting is as successful as the ones we have been to so far. Also the fact that children will be visiting England makes things slightly more complicated.

I hope that during the project I will have made friendships that will last beyond the time of the project and that I will have a different view of things because of my experiences. I know that Peter and Mary have found the chance to travel and meet people particularly valuable.

In terms of time spent working on activities, I’m not really sure how much that is. I don’t spend as much time as I would like to and usually only focus on things when they need to be done.»

Conheça as impressões de outros professores envolvidos do projeto aqui e aqui.

quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

O Milagre das Rosas

Um dos objetivos do Projeto Comenius é a publicação de um livro com uma estória traduzida nas cinco línguas, escrita e ilustrada pelos alunos envolvidos.

A escolha das personagens foi feita pelos professores e pretendia-se que fosse um dos símbolos do país. O Reino Unido escolheu Robin Hood, a Tuquia Keloğlan, a Polónia Halabala, a Hungria Eye Shepherd e Portugal a Rainha Santa Isabel.

O Milagre das Rosas foi o episódio escolhido para dar a conhecer a Rainha Santa Isabel aos parceiros do Projeto. As ilustrações presentes foram realizadas pelos alunos das escolas do Primeiro Ciclo do Ensino Básico de Carvide e Outeiro da Fonte.

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

Impressões sobre o projeto - Hungary

Violetta - Hungary

«We felt  really fine for hosting other countries, It was a really great experience for us :) It is a big honour for my small school. And for my students  it’s a big motivation to learn English harder :) I felt we were like a big family. This is our third Comenius project and I’m the contact person and coordinator of the project in our school. In our school usually my colleagues can’t speak English, so I’m always their interpreter, too. 
Violetta Kádár
- Only difficulty is that  we always have many things to do in our school, so sometimes it is difficult to ask for my colleagues help. But during the Hungarian meeting they helped me a lot. And now they are helping a lot to fulfill our tasks.
- Sometimes some colleagues think that because they can’t speak English, they can’t help me. 
I can’t tell exactly how many time I spend working in the project, I deal with it every week.
Before the Hungarian meeting I dealt with organizing the meeting as much as I could. We had several teachers’ meetings and we tried to share the tasks. 
During two years we always work a lot. I always check the different tasks for the different month and share the tasks with my colleagues.
In my opinion it is worth taking part in Comenius projects because we and our students can make friends from different parts of Europe. Sometimes it’s difficult to do everything, but it is worth :) »

Veja imagens do segundo encontro na nossa publicação e aqui.

Atividades realizadas no terceiro encontro - Hungria

Na semana passada na Hungria várias foram as atividades a que os professores puderam assistir e fazer parte. Entre aulas de inglês na escola local, trabalhos com lã e uma receção com as danças típicas dos países envolvidos no projeto, a Hungria foi palco do terceiro encontro do Projeto Comenius, propiciando uma experiência rica em conhecimento.